Create Component: Sprite Animations
Learn about Sprite Animation using CssSpriteAtlasRenderer
Components and SpriteAtlasAnimator
Make Scene
Create a scene using the components CssSpriteAtlasRenderer
and SpriteAtlasAnimator
we will use this asset.
The Sprite Atlas component allows you to clip a sprite sheet into a number of sprites. Sprite Atlas is good for animations.
import {
Bootstrapper as BaseBootstrapper,
} from "the-world-engine";
import { Vector3 } from "three/src/Three";
export class Bootstrapper extends BaseBootstrapper {
public run(): SceneBuilder {
const instantiater = this.instantiater;
return this.sceneBuilder
.withChild(instantiater.buildGameObject("camera", new Vector3(0, 0, 10))
.withChild(instantiater.buildGameObject("sprite1", new Vector3(0, 0, 0))
.withComponent(CssSpriteAtlasRenderer, c => {
9, 4, // split the image into 9 column and 4 rows
() => {
if (!c.exists) return;
c.imageWidth *= 3;
c.imageHeight *= 3;
//scale the image to 3x its original size
c.imageIndex = 0;
.withComponent(SpriteAtlasAnimator, c => {
c.addAnimation("idle_up", [0]);
c.addAnimation("walk_up", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
c.addAnimation("idle_left", [9]);
c.addAnimation("walk_left", [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]);
c.addAnimation("idle_down", [18]);
c.addAnimation("walk_down", [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26]);
c.addAnimation("idle_right", [27]);
c.addAnimation("walk_right", [28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35]);
c.frameDuration = 0.2;
The atlasIndex
increases from left to right from top to bottom.
Create PlayerController
create a component PlayerController
that will control the player movement and animation.
import { Component, SpriteAtlasAnimator } from "the-world-engine";
import { Vector2, Vector3 } from "three/src/Three";
export class PlayerController extends Component {
private readonly _speed = 4;
private readonly _direction = new Vector2(0, -1);
private _isMoving = false;
private _spriteAtlasAnimator: SpriteAtlasAnimator|null = null;
private readonly _tempVector3 = new Vector3();
public awake(): void {
this._spriteAtlasAnimator = this.gameObject.getComponent(SpriteAtlasAnimator);
public update(): void {
const inputMap =; //input map is a dictionary of keyboard inputs
if (inputMap.get("w")) {
this._direction.set(0, 1);
this._isMoving = true;
} else if (inputMap.get("s")) {
this._direction.set(0, -1);
this._isMoving = true;
} else if (inputMap.get("a")) {
this._direction.set(-1, 0);
this._isMoving = true;
} else if (inputMap.get("d")) {
this._direction.set(1, 0);
this._isMoving = true;
} else {
this._isMoving = false;
if (this._direction.x === 1) {
this._spriteAtlasAnimator!.playAnimation(this._isMoving ? "walk_right" : "idle_right");
} else if (this._direction.x === -1) {
this._spriteAtlasAnimator!.playAnimation(this._isMoving ? "walk_left" : "idle_left");
} else if (this._direction.y === 1) {
this._spriteAtlasAnimator!.playAnimation(this._isMoving ? "walk_up" : "idle_up");
} else if (this._direction.y === -1) {
this._spriteAtlasAnimator!.playAnimation(this._isMoving ? "walk_down" : "idle_down");
if (this._isMoving) {
const addVector = this._tempVector3
.set(this._direction.x, this._direction.y, 0)
.multiplyScalar(this.engine.time.deltaTime * this._speed);
add the component to the player GameObject.
.withChild(instantiater.buildGameObject("sprite1", new Vector3(0, 0, 0))
Now move the sprite with w, a, s, d