Create Game
Let's find out how to create a game instance
Create Bootstrapper
is a class that is used to construct the game.
We have to inherit from Bootstrapper
and create the our own Bootstrapper
import {
Bootstrapper as BaseBootstrapper,
} from "the-world-engine";
export class Bootstrapper extends BaseBootstrapper {
public run(): SceneBuilder {
return this.sceneBuilder;
Make Game
you can create Game
instance with Bootstrapper
import { Game } from "the-world-engine";
import { Bootstrapper } from "./asset/Bootstrapper";
const game = new Game(document.body); // game view is attached to the document.body; // run the game
game.inputHandler.startHandleEvents(); // start handle user input
Add Camera to the Game
the game works only when at least one camera exists. Let's make a camera
import {
Bootstrapper as BaseBootstrapper,
} from "the-world-engine";
import { Vector3 } from "three/src/Three";
export class Bootstrapper extends BaseBootstrapper {
public run(): SceneBuilder {
const instantiater = this.instantiater;
return this.sceneBuilder
.withChild(instantiater.buildGameObject("camera", new Vector3(0, 0, 10))
The game scene has the same structure as unity game engine object hierarchy system.
Here's the current state of the scene.
You can use Three.js Developer Tools to inspect the scene.
But don't trust all the information from Three.js Developer Tools
. There are some bugs.
Importing the three.js type from "three" instead of "three/src/three" will cause the bundle size to grow dramatically because the bundled js file is included in the build.
so use "three/src/Three" instead of "three"